Answered By: Carlee Philpot Last Updated: Feb 04, 2025 Views: 1136
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*This is CNM Libraries' online library catalog, a.k.a. WorldCat Discovery or OneSearch
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*For help using CNM Libraries databases, see the Using Library eResources Research Guide
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Or browse our Subjects Landing Page or click on a subject below to learn about research guides, databases, and your Subject Expert Librarian who can help you with research in your current subject!
- ACCT - Accounting
- AFAS - Air Force Aerospace Studies
- AFST - African American Studies
- AIML - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
- AMST - American Studies
- ANTH - Anthropology
- ARBC - Arabic
- ARCH - Architecture
- ARDR - Architectural Drafting
- ARTE - Art Education
- ARTH - Art History
- ARTS - Art Studio
- ASTR - Astronomy
- AT - Applied Technologies
- AUTC - Automotive Technology
- AVMT - Aviation Maintenance
- BCIS - Business Comp Info Systems
- BEV - Beverage
- BFIN - Business Finance
- BHT - Bus Hosp & Tech
- BIOL - Biology
- BLAW - Business Law
- BPCS - Basic Patient Care Skills
- BUSA - Business Administration
- CAD - Computer Assisted Drafting
- Careers
- CARP - Carpentry
- CCAP - Commercial Carpentry Appr
- CCST - Chicana/o Studies
- CEPY - Counseling & Ed Psych
- CHEM - Chemistry
- CHW - Community Health Worker
- CIS - Computer Info Systems
- CJUS - Criminal Justice
- CM - Construction Management
- CNM Libraries
- COMM - Communication
- COS - Cosmetology
- CSCI - Computer Science
- CSE - College Success Experience
- CULN - Culinary Arts
- Current Events & Controversial Issues
- CVS - Cardiovascular Sonography
- DA - Dental Assistant
- DANC - Dance
- DETC - Diesel Equipment Technology
- DGST - Digital Studies
- DMS - Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- ECED - Early Childhood Education
- ECME - Early Child Multicultural Educ
- ECON - Economics
- EDUC - Education
- EHR - Electronic Health Record
- ELTR - Electrical Trades
- EMS - Emergency Medical Services
- ENDT - Neurodiagnostic Tech
- ENGL - English
- ENGR - Engineering
- ENTR - Entrepreneurship
- ESL - English as a Second Language
- ESOL - English/Spk Othr Lang
- EVTC - Electric Vehicle Technology
- ETAP - Electrical Trades Appr
- Exam Preparation
- EXSC - Exercise Science
- FDMA - Film & Digital Media Arts
- FILM - Film
- FITT - Fitness Technician
- FREN - French
- FS - Fire Science
- FUTR - Future Studies
- FYEX - First-Year Experience
- GECK - Gen Ed Keyboarding
- GELA - Gen Ed Language Arts
- GEMA - Gen Ed Math
- GEMS - Gen Ed Multi-Subject
- General Research
- GEOG - Geography
- GEOL - Geology
- GEOR - Gen Ed Orientation
- GESC - Gen Ed Science
- GESP - Gen Ed Spanish
- GESS - Gen Ed Social Studies
- GIS - Geographic Information Systems
- GNDR - Gender Studies
- GNHN - General Honors
- HIST - History
- HIT - Health Information Tech
- HLED - Health Education
- HLTH - Health
- HMSV - Human Services
- HNRS - General Honors
- HT - Hospitality & Tourism
- HUMN - Humanities
- HVAC - Heat, Vent, & Air Cond
- HWPS - Hlth, Wellness, Public Safety
- IBEC - ESL Early Child Multi Educ
- IBNA - ESL Nursing Assistant
- IRW - Integrated Reading & Writing
- IT - Information Technology
- LANG - Modern Languages
- LBAR - Liberal Arts
- LEA - Law Enforcement
- Library Book of the Day
- LTAM - Latin American Studies
- MA - Medical Assistant
- MATH - Mathematics
- MATT - Machine Tool Tech
- MECH - Industrial Technician
- MGMT - Management
- MKTG - Marketing
- MLT - Medical Lab Tech
- MSL - Military Science
- MT - Manufacturing Technology
- MUSC - Music
- NA - Nursing Assistant
- NATV - Native American Studies
- NAVS - Naval Science Studies
- New Mexico
- News
- NMNC - NMNEC - Nursing
- NR - Nursing Refresher
- NTSC - Natural Science
- NUTR - Nutrition
- OSH - Occupational Safety
- OTEC - Office Technology
- PCT - Patient Care Technician
- PHED - Physical Education
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHLB - Phlebotomy
- PHLS - Public Health Science
- PHYS - Physics
- PL - Paralegal Studies
- PLAN - Community Regional Planning
- PLMB - Plumbing
- PN - Nursing
- POLS - Political Science
- PORT - Portuguese
- Professional Development
- PSD - Public Safety Dispatch
- PSYC - Psychology
- PT - Pharmacy Technician
- PTA - Physical Therapist Assistant
- RADT - Radiologic Technology
- Reference
- RELG - Religion
- RT - Respiratory Therapy
- SIGN - American Sign Language
- SOCI - Sociology
- SOWK - Social Work
- SPAN - Spanish
- SPED - Special Education
- SPLI - Spanish Interpreter
- SPT - Sterile Processing Tech
- ST - Surgical Technology
- STEM - Geology
- SUR - Surveying
- SUST - Sustainability
- Testing
- THEA - Theatre
- TLOL - Teaching & Learning Online
- TRDR - Truck Driving
- UAS - Unmanned Aircraft System
- VT - Veterinary Technology
- WELD - Welding
Links & Files
- Does the library have any books by... [AUTHOR NAME]? Opens in new window
- Does the library have... [BOOK TITLE]? Opens in new window
- Does the Library have a copy of my textbook and how do I determine if the library has my textbook? Opens in new window
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